
The world has gone to pot. An outbreak has left hundreds of thousands dead...

Well not quite dead. Enter the walkers, the shows version of zombies. They shuffle, moan and eat like any classic zombie in all but name.

Sheriff’s Deputy Rick Grimes leads a band of plucky survivors across America, fending off the undead hordes left, right and centre. His band of merry men and women include a katana wielding bad ass, an angry ginger person and a silent but deadly red neck.

Fortunately, Rick’s got his family along for the ride; until his son has to shoot his own mother. She begins bleeding out after an anaesthetic-less C-section for his baby sister, ultimately meaning she’ll reanimate into a walker if he doesn’t pull the trigger...

Yes, this show is grim.

It combines the two greatest staples of any non-family friendly TV show; horror and drama. After the countless head shots, disembowelments and scenes of cannibalism, you might want to plan eating your dinner after the credits have finished rolling.

Like all great shows, the roster isn’t purely made up of dashing heroes and heroines...

The Walking Dead also has its fair share of villains. In fact, how terrifying is it to think that the biggest danger to the survivors are other humans and not the walkers?!

When Rick, Glenn, Daryl and co aren’t busy stabbing walkers in the head, they have the likes of the Governor to deal with. This guy seems like a pillar of the community until you realise that he’s keeping his undead daughter chained up in a cupboard.

Que creepy daddy-daughter hair combing scene, complete with squirming zombie child trying to bite chunks out of her dad.

Things don’t end well for the Governor though, losing an eye and any humanity he may have had left. He unfortunately takes a few show favourites down with him though, including the decapitation of Hershel; The Walking Dead’s resident Santa Clause look-a-like.

Then there’s the distressing scenes of human on human cannibalism...

Because being eaten raw by an undead corpse wasn’t stressful enough, you’ve also got the prospect of being cooked and seasoned to perfection by a cannibalistic community to worry about.

It’s pretty safe to say that this is one fictional world you would not want to be part of. Give me a house on the set of Neighbour’s Ramsey Street any day!

Fun Fact: The Walking Dead is based on the graphic novel series by Robert Kirkman, who also produces the show. While most character names, locations and plot points have crossed over from page to film, the show has shocked most fans of the graphic novel by mixing up who lives and who dies. No one is safe in this world.

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